for Orthopedic Implants

Our mission is to provide you our best possible engineering services during the transformation of an idea into a certified medical product.


Inserter Instrument for Modular ALIF Cages
A good example of how we transformed a concept into a market ready game changing device, which is well received by surgeons.
VBR Height Adjustment Mechanism
Concept mining example of a new height adjustment mechanism for a cervical vertebral body replacement (VBR) implant.
Angled Awl
Angled awl that provides a protected working end. Impaction depth is adjustable. Completely disassemble for cleaning.
Angled Screwdriver
Angled screwdriver for bone screws, which can be inserted from an angled orientation. This screwdriver was designed to yield exchangeable working bits. Completely disassemble for cleaning.
3D Printed Modular Cage
Several 3d-printed cages have been designed including ALIF, OLIF and LLIFs. In this project, a modular cage has been developed consisting of three parts, which can be assembled inside the patient.
Posterior Cervical Fixation System
We designed a posterior cervical fixation system including pedicle, and far-angle screws, Atlas compression hooks, adjustable rods, and occiput fixation plates.
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